Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bet You Would Never Have Guessed

Bet you don't know what my favorite sport is in the Olympics. Go ahead; guess. Hmmmm. What do you think? Maybe it's tennis. Maybe it's gymnastics. Maybe just maybe it was watching Michael Phelps swim his very cute booty off to get 8 gold medals. Could be. I liked all that. But I'm sure you'd NEVER guess that I absolutely LOVE syncronized swimming.

Check out this link: It's a top performance medley of all the teams. I find it fascinating. I always look forward to it. Do you KNOW how long they have to hold their breath under water? LONG time. Huge athleticism involved. And in Bejing the Water Cube was packed for each performance so all those who mock and roll their eyes are probably secretly watching. Yes, I know you had to be up at 2 am to see it (or be smart, Google it, and catch it on the web).

Syncronized Swimming. The secret joy of me. It's the little things. They amaze me; literally they do. Tiny moments of being lazy and sucked in. Love that.


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