Friday, June 22, 2007

Vietnamese Nail Places

I want to be fair in what I say without coming across as rude. Why is it when I am getting a pedicure the Vietnamese women who run the shop are constantly talking in their language and looking at me? I get it. Just as I want to speak (when I have something to say) in my own native language, they want the same. I mostly do not expect them to be fluent in the English language. I think it would be nice if they spoke in English but I'm not averse to them speaking in theirs. The problem comes in when they get all heated in their discussions, what in the world are they talking about? And when they are looking at me and talking at the same time? I can't help but think they are talking about me, my feet, my hair, what IS it?

I know some people say and maybe I have felt in the past that hey, you are in the United States and you own a business here, how about speaking in our language when around customers and patrons. But I get it, I do. Talk how you want, say what you like, but please, your body language is giving you away and it appears you are being rude to me. As a customer of yours, I don't like it. I know I am not the only one as I caught the eye of another woman in your establishment on many occasions and we both lock eyes and the knowing is there.

Consider how we might feel. You know our language yet you speak your own. We do not know yours. Maybe that's our problem. Well, I guess it is. I doubt you will ever stop what you are doing so I guess it really is our problem. We can always take our business elsewhere I suppose.


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