Friday, June 29, 2007

Part Time Professional; Part Time Stay at Home Mom

What I do; part time professional and part time stay at home mom is proving to be very worth it. This is something I've known for a long time and have stood by it but now it's revealing the rewards even more so.

The Littlest who is not yet two, almost but not yet (in a month or so) can count to 12 unassisted. We have been working on that and I'm sure, I'm quite sure they have in his classroom as well. He also can sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star pretty much the whole first verse and his ennunciation is very clear. He repeats EVERYTHING. I think there is someone at the center who says, "shut your mouth" as he told his Daddy tonight to do so. Ahem. While I can hang with the best of them and cuss words fly when I'm mad and no children are around, when they are present, I'm very rated G. He hasn't heard that "shut your mouth" around here, for sure. No matter, you have to be ultra careful, he literally repeats verbatim everything he hears. I said, "excellent" to the Oldest yesterday and like a parrot, he said, "excellent" as clear as a bell. We work on manners, we work on little songs, listening, potty time, he goes into Time Out when appropriate, it's just amazing what can happen when you partner with a great caregiver. He is getting lots of love and TLC at home with good quality time and stuff we work on etc and also gets it reinforced (or vice versa, it's all the same) at school and the socialization is tremendous. He loves his teachers, his buddies, and he's learning so much. Tonight as I changed his diaper, he grabbed his foot and started counting his toes (which we do all the time) and he got all the way to twelve (no, he doesn't have 12 toes! But he kept going and it was so cute!).

I'm just very proud of him. And I look at the Oldest and I think the same. Maybe there is good in being overprotective as we have been but I'll have to make sure I watch for when we need to loosen up. I'm sure some may think, 'Now's the time!' especially for the Oldest. But we aren't there yet, no, the way we parent and the things we believe in are still working. At least for now.



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