Saturday, May 26, 2007

Rosie Vs. Elisabeth; It's Nowhere Near Over

I think Rosie represents a very large portion of the country now. I think she gets a bad rap. Yes she's way over the top sometimes but this is her personality, she says what she thinks. Some women never do. Good for her. Love her or hate her, but respect her for that. To me, Elisabeth is a staunch I'mstickingtomyguns kind of woman; come what may. You have to respect that as well. There are lots of women who sway in the wind and are even afraid to believe in what they really believe in. Don't get me wrong. I think women don't get enough credit for what they are it's just that from time to time I run into women who possess neither of the qualities of Rosie or Elisabeth. I say hooray to both of them for being so strong and believing in what they believe in. This country needs more of this discussion and hopefully spawned from that will come a new path because God knows we need one. I feel our country is lost and slowly falling apart. We believe in supporting the men and woman who put their lives on the line for our freedom and we do. How could we not? How could we not support them? If not for them, where would we be? This country be? So thank God for them, for their courage and their bravery because I know I could not do it. I am strong in some ways but I could not bear to do what they do. So I support them. I thank them. I think, in listening to all the news stories this week, and taking a step back for a moment, I think that Rosie feels the same. She thanks the men and women but she is angry at the leader of those men and women. Two completely different things.
Here's the deal. I voted for Bush. Both times. I believed he was the best man for the job. Given the choices I had before me and what I knew of the issues and their stances on those issues, I thought I was voting for the right person. I see now that hindsight is 20/20; I and so many others were so very wrong. Bush is not the right man for the job in my opinion. He is too busy clamping his mind closed to even consider that there is another way; a better way. And we are along for the ride. Our families and our neighbors and brothers and sisters are along for the most horrible ride. Will we invade Iran? Are you kidding me? I mean, this is a serious consideration and a huge worry to me. The world, our allies and especially our enemies will not take kindly to this at all. I am worried. I worry for my children. And their children. We need to get it right in 2008. I will not vote Republican. I will not vote Democrat. I will vote for the person who hits on the issues. Who can formulate a decent sentence on their own. For someone who has passion in their eyes. Show me this person.
I think Rosie is right on many things she says about this war and Bush. I think she is questioning the leadership 100% and not the troops. The troops only do what the leader tells them too. Right? I think Elisabeth feels she has so much defending to do because she is still standing by Bush in almost a very empty room that she saw a slight opening in which she could make an issue --and instead of being what Rosie needed her to be in that situation (which friends sometimes have to do, put aside their passions and feelings for a quick minute and do what the friend needs if the situation warrants) she took the high road and stood her ground to make her point and we all had to watch it on TV. Great for ratings, I'm sure and interesting to hear the argument but in the end, they were really two people with hurt feelings arguing with one another about their friendship.
Why are we still in that country? I think it's long past the point of "we're there because they need us" or "we're there because if we're not they'll follow us home (complete BS)" or "it would be cruel to just leave them now, we need to help them build a democracy, we started this thing we have to finish it". All of those things have been said. And at one moment in time, maybe each of them were true. Not now. Not anymore. Bring them home. Too many people are dying for nothing. That country needs us to leave. Our country needs them to come home. It's just not making sense anymore. Too many mistakes and too many lies and I'm sorry President Bush, you cannot redeem yourself at this point. It's worse than lame duck. It's incompetent, ignorant and irresponsible now.
Rosie and Elisabeth both represent shreds of truth but I think Rosie represents the largest shred of it and Elisabeth (who we all know is not poor little Elisabeth in truth she can stand her ground with the best of them; it's what she does best as it pours from her mouth) just is hanging on because she has that personality that says, "I started this, I'm going to finish it, even if it's the wrong thing to do". Who else does that sound like? Two peas in a pod but I must say, I respect Elisabeth a lot more than the leader of our country. At least she can formulate sentences and speak her mind without "uh" and mis speaking words. Ok. I'm getting petty. AND I'm rambling. -Time to sign off before I say how I really feel. :)



Anonymous said...

jenn...i read your blog and then had to think about it. i am not glad that the fight happened but i think that it is great that 2 women can express their feelings about how the world is. you dont see that much on tv. i wish she was coming back. i almost feel like she is taking her toys and saying she does not want to play anymore. i don't know really what i am trying to say. tracy

Balancing Act; Jenn said...

I totally agree. She is taking her toys and saying 'I don't want to play anymore'. At least not with them. And not with Elisabeth. Too bad for all of us. Not just for the controversy but for the conversations they have elicited.