Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Growing Boys

The Oldest will soon be 12. He is all of that already. He's incredibly handsome and tall and really growing up so nicely. He's musically talented and no pressure but my opinion is that he'll get a full scholarship to the school of his choice when the time comes. Maybe it's early to make that proclamation but he is ultra talented and amazes my ears almost every day with how beautifully he plays the trumpet. Following in the footsteps of his Dad. I know it makes both of us so proud. Truth is, even if he were only a quarter talented of what he is now, we'd still be very proud. Isn't it amazing how kids just gravitate to what they instinctively love and begin to fill a niche and mold in this big world? And the Littlest will likely try to follow in the footsteps of the Oldest. It's a pattern. Sort of heartwarming..but they will do what they do and we will watch and guide to help them grow.  This year he got several awards; several in band (Highest Point Award Acheived, Most Outstanding Band Student, and Superior Rating in Solo and Ensemble) and one in his 6th grade class-Clipper Leadership Award.  He almost made it through the entire year with straight A's in every class but for one B in English the first quarter.  Very successful year even though the intense transition from 5th grade was real and tangible, easily an obstacle, but one that he overcame.  --He started cutting grass last summer to earn money, save it up and be able to purchase something he set a goal for by Black Friday (the Friday after Thanksgiving) last year.  He bought in iTouch with that money.  This summer, he's doing the same, branched out a little and saving a bit more.  Not sure what he's saving for this time, maybe just saving in general, he mentioned a Net Book or Tablet, but it's up to him.  Great lessons of life. 

The Littlest is awesome. He's so little..well not really..he's a tank actually...but little compared to his big brother. Full to the brim with life and enthusiasim for everything.  He's athletically inclined and just plows through everything in front of him. Except bugs. A tiny fly? A little clicky clicky bug? Suddenly he's full of fear. Hmmmmmmm, reminiscent of someone else I know. He is very smart and figures things out quickly giving tons of love along the way. He's recently begun to show interest in these tiny Legos and leaving the trains behind.  Oh how that breaks my heart.  The trains were a sign that he was still my little "baby".  No more.  And to accentuate that, he's not my "baby" anymore either.  He takes every opportunity to tell me that too.  His heart is huge and he shows it in lots of ways.  He tries to take care of his big brother. If he gets a Capri Sun or snack, he always gets an extra for the Oldest.  Sweet boy. Always thinking of the Oldest. -summertime means their birthdays. Another year passing. Another year filled with pride as we reminisce over their achievements.  The Littlest got a reading award this year, he reads fluently and above his grade level.  He took a test for the Gifted program and only missed points needed by two.  Wonder what First Grade will bring for him.  Good things...regardless of the teacher, he's well equipped to be successful. 

These boys give us purpose and hope. We are protective over them in all things safety BUT we have looser hands when it comes to their learning.  I don't micromanage in that area and I think it has paid off.  It gives them latitude to make mistakes and learn responsibility.  Many times the Littlest has reminded me of something that is due and he does it before it's due.  He's only five.  I think the hands in but hands off approach with learning is the way to go.  Not hounding, not checking every page and problem of their homework (how will they learn if I make it perfect for them?) just being in the know and involved but not up their bums about it.  I pray no matter what comes they can read these words and know how intensely they were and are loved. We say "I love you" a lot in our little family. I hope they carry that with them always. I hope they know that love will conquer all-in good times or bad,that without it, life will feel shallow. With it, life feels full and meaningful. Hopefully we are teaching them that. Soon at 12 and 6, they will present funny situations, serious ones, ups and downs, silliness, and somberness. Everything in between. I'm very much looking forward all of the moments we will cherish, create, and hold close in this next year.  It's going to be a BIG year!  :)


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