Sunday, June 26, 2011

It's Been a Long Time..

My last entry was in March; that blows my mind!!!  So much has happened since then.  Life is so different and thank God that it is.  I knew I was extremely unhappy at work, much thanks to a certain individual, but did not realize how tremendously sad I was there.  They wanted me to either be full time again or be done and the rest is history as my "position was eliminated" which they quickly reinstated after I left.  Too much micromanaging, the company politics were so thick, the expectations for those poor teams is so unrealistic, I am so utterly thankful I'm no longer there with that negative force I worked directly with.  Nothing could be more freeing than no longer being there.  Just simply not being there has made me healhy again.  No one seemed to care that the teams and myself were being bullied contstantly, about decisions, choices, our weight of all things, what we should eat and not eat, how someone worked out 10 times a week or not and why weren't we doing the same etc etc it got very very old.  I have shed that old skin and can breathe again, looking in the mirror seeing the me that I really am, happier and mentally healthier, not laden down with that individual and her insane search for something she will never find both personally or professionally.  I took on responsibility for that for way way too long.  My shoulders are so much lighter!

It's summer now and the boys are growing at incredible rates.  The Oldest is almost exactly as tall as me, less one inch I believe.  As he approaches 7th grade, he is looking more like a young man than ever before.  To say I am proud, that we are proud, that is an understatment.  He finished this past year with all A's but for one lone B in English the first quarter of the year.  With the exception of that, the rest of his 6th grade year was filled with straight A's.  His SOL's were impressive.  He took three tests, two of them were perfect scores @ 600's and the third test (English/Reading) he missed two questions, getting a 585.  He had a very successful year.  Additionally, this was his first year playing the Trumpet and he did very well, won a scholarship that he applied for getting free lessons with a private instructor, being awarded for several things in band this year, he wrapped up nicely and worked hard.  He has gotten praise and kudos from us to the nth degree.  Hard work pays off.  And he's learning that by cutting grass for different folks in the neighborhood.  Earning his own money and learning to save by putting it in savings vs. spending it the second he gets it.  Don't think this is his favorite concept, but really, who loves that anyway?  We'd all like to spend as soon as we are handed money.  But that is not realistic and we'd be left with nothing, no savings if we behaved like that.  The minute a rainy day comes, we're toast.  So teach them now is our motto, be responsible with your money.  He gets to spend a portion but the bulk goes into savings.  The Oldest is growing up nicely right before our eyes. 

The Littlest amazes us.  He is super smart, reads like a little pro and has for a while now, athletic and swims like a fish.  He can do anything he sets his mind to and he's pretty stubborn too.  We love the questions he asks, it shows he is always thinking on his toes.  Maturing nicely for his age, he did well in Kindergarten.  His report cards always came home with all S's and postive comments.  He has high expecations for himself and always was very interested in his report card, expecting those S's of himself.  Too cute.  I think it's good because it's setting him up to have those same kind of expecations as he gets in the higher grades.  At the end of the year, on the last day he said to me, "Oh yah, I'm done with Kindergarten and going into First Grade, lviin' the dream baby!" and I about fell out of my pants.  He is a hoot.  The thing with him, he lives out loud, always going full force, such a strong force of a child.  A ball of energy in all that he does.  It amazes me each night as we do bed time routine and he is snuggling in his bed while we say our prayers, then and only then do the yawns come out, then and only then does he close his eyes.  It's almost immediate; the sheet/blanket go over his little back and the prayers start and he's down for the count.  While we read, when he's showering, getting jamified, he's still full force wide awake.  His shutting down comes fast, it's like a switch.  I marvel at him all the time.  There's only one Littlest.  He does is well.

As I venture into my new path with The Gold Refinery I am more than excited.  I have gotten off to a fantastic start and I will strive for leadership and management which are the core of me anyway and how I'm driven.  It's all a perfect blend for what I need in my life right now; time with the boys, excellent money, the things that drive me and fulfill me (leadership and management), positivity (this company THRIVES off of it and I have never felt more at peace with a decision and where I am in this world career wise), and flexibility.  This is the start of something really really great.  I have had several succesfful parties and am spreading how much we can help others as I go.  Actually, we are both really excited for what this will bring to our family.  Rome wasn't built in a day but I've made a little progress so far, so it's coming along nicely.

I will check in again soon with some wacky story which seem to make up our fun days, orjust a simple update. 


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