Monday, April 02, 2007

Thinking OutLoud

Can be dangerous; no? It can. You have to be careful oh bloggers. Or blogger readers. Or whoever you are. You say too loudly what you think and there can be ramifications. I enjoy writing. Writing here. About silly things, serious things, anythings.

Here is what I think currently at this moment in time. About this thing. Here goes.

Sometimes in life you come across folks who don't get it. Oh sure. It's easy to think you know everything and when you look upon others, down your almighty nose, you think, gosh, they just don't get it. Don't get life. Here I go everyone, up on my soap box, watch out. I'm up there now... What is life about? You tell me. Wait. I'll tell you what I think; how about that? Life is not about sitting and watching and blaming on others why your life is not going how you think it should be. Life is not about peeking in from the outside while the world races past you towards the inside and then you complaining that you're being left behind. That really isn't "living" from my perspective. I see a lot of not taking responsibility and blaming others. If you don't like your life, get up and change it. Seriously. I have seen failings in the past and then the blaming of others and no acceptance for any of it. So wildly frustrating. Bottom line, if you are upset with something or the way something goes, then hello, change it.

Now the same can be said for anyone right? Even me. Say, my weight issue. Sure. Go ahead. It applies. But guess what? I'm not blaming anyone else. I take full responsibility AND I am going to change it. I'm not sitting around pointing the finger at anyone else about it.

When my son died, as most of you know, a large part of me died, changed, morphed, whatever you want to call it. When I hear this wah wah wah or see it, I can't take it, I either remove myself or put on the thicker skin. Change your life. Suck it up. Stop complaining. Grow up. Harsh. Maybe. But real. Mean? I'm sorry. But come on. Open your eyes. We only live once. Would you rather get real and take responsibility for things or pretend its never you and float along blaming others that you are not happy? Hmmmmm. Maybe the latter is easier. Yeah. Good luck with that.


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