Friday, April 20, 2007

HealthCare And Other CRAP

Why is insurance in our country so screwed up? Don't get me started. Why can other less "technically advanced" countries get it right and we can't? If we are so rich and powerful (and somehow me thinks we aren't always) why can't we get everyone in our country insured, get it all aligned, get it straight? WHY?

Why can't we get a better handle on gun control? Other countries do. And they are just fine; perhaps finer than us. I don't get it. Does it all truly really and truly ride on the big fat pockets of the big companies that benefit from our ignorance? The lobbyists who are so well paid to keep it at the status quo? No one is yelling loud enough then!

And the horribly violent video games that we let our 7-teenagers play? And you don't think it's going to affect how your child copes with the real world or how he deals with problems (shoot em up or get mega aggressive...)? You really don't? I don't know. Maybe I'm just living in my own world--however I don't think I'm the only one who feels this way. I just happen to be the only one in the whole group of people I know that feels this way. Wait, I take that back, I do have one friend who believes as I do. One that I know positively absolutely agrees with me. So I'm not a total freak. Just a slight one. But count me in a freak who will do her level best to make sure she raises boys who are not aggressive, know how to convey their feelings in an appropriate way and who will not be addicted to non productive violent games that you cannot tell me will not warp their minds in some way. There's a big difference in cowboys and indians and mortal combat. Hello? Is it just me? Lets tuck our kids away in their bedrooms with their own TV's and keep living our lives with no worry or care what they are watching or doing? Uh, no thanks.

I am just riled up enough to write a letter to my congressman about a few things. What will it do? One single voice? I don't know. Maybe nothing. But you know what? I won't know if I don't try. I think I've had just about enough.

Maybe it's been the week, maybe it's the day (honoring VT), and maybe it's also the anniversary that is looming in my heart and mind. Go ahead, take me on. I'm ready.


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